Platforms form an important part of the EPMF organisation. They are created after proposal by either the Board of Directors or the Secretary General on condition that they form part of the associations core business, namely chemicals management. Each platform requires the formal interest of at least three members who commit to participate both actively and financially.
Platforms are categorised as either REACH or Non-REACH and are listed below with links to their respective overview pages.
- Au metal
- Au compounds
- Potassium dicyanoaurate
- Ag metal (including nano)
- Ag compounds
- Ag cyanide/Potassium dicyanoargentate
- Ir metal
- Ir compounds
- Pt metal
- Chloroplatinates
- Karstedt
- Pt compounds (others)
- Pd metal
- Pd compounds
- Rh metal
- Rh III compounds
- Rh compounds (others)
- Ru metal
- Ru compounds
- Re
- Refinables